16.25" x 36" x 2.25
Oil on Canvas
SOLD (to a collector in Jersey City, New Jersey)
Loosely based on the name of the popular coffee chain. Breaking the two words apart 'star' and 'bucks' the images were quite clear to me. 'Star' a five pointed shape. 'Buck' in english, a term used for a $1 bill as well as a male deer. The choice became clear to use an American one dollar bill (buck) and replace George Washington with that of a male deer or 'buck'. I’ve also replaced the two seals on either side of Washington with 'stars' giving us 'Star bucks'.
From his "Series of Pun Paintings". In my 'pun paintings' I deconstructs the English language by use of the pun. I was once told “it isn’t what you paint, but how you paint it.” I became bound and determined to prove that statement wrong. In my work, it is not only about what I paint but the way in which it is painted. My Pun Paintings appeal to me personally for the humorous aspect and the witty form of intellectual play. Collectors of Ryan's work have expressed how much they love living with his work.